
Präsentationen auf Konferenzen


  • Financial Management Association - European Conference (FMA)
  • Global Credit Data European Conference (GCD)


  • Paris Financial Management Conference (PFMC)
  • Cardiff Fintech Conference (CFC)
  • Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF)
  • Economics of Financial Technology Conference (EFT)
  • Annual Congress of the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB)
  • 61st Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Finance Association (SWFA)


  • Annual Meeting of the American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA): Common Risk Factors in the Cross-Section of Cat Bond Returns
  • 24th Annual European Conference of the Financial Management Association (FMA), 2021: The Impact of Skin in the Game on Bank Behavior in the Securitization Market
  • Virtual Conference of the Western Economic Association International Conference (WEAI): Simple is Simply not Enough – Features versus Labels of Complex Financial Securities
  • 60th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Finance Association (SWFA): Simple is Simply not Enough – Features versus Labels of Complex Financial Securities
  • Annual Meeting of the Western Risk and Insurance Association (WRIA): Trading and Liquidity in the Catastrophe Bond Market
  • Annual Congress of the German Insurance Science Association (DVFVW): Trading and Liquidity in the Catastrophe Bond Market


  • World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress (WRIEC): Trading and Liquidity in the Catastrophe Bond Market & Seasonality in Catastrophe Bonds and Market-Implied Catastrophe Arrival Frequencies (2 Paper)
  • 25. Münsteraner Banken-Workshop, 2020: Simple is Simply not Enough – Features versus Labels of Complex Financial Securities
  • International Banking, Economics, and Finance Association (IBEFA) / Western Economic Association International Conference (WEAI): The Impact of Skin in the Game on Bank Behavior in the Securitization Market & The Impact of Risk Retention on the Pricing of Securitizations (2 Paper)
  • 60th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Finance Association (SWFA): The Impact of Skin in the Game on Bank Behavior in the Securitization Market & The Impact of Risk Retention on the Pricing of Securitizations (2 Paper)
  • Southern Risk and Insurance Association (SRIA): Trading and liquidity in the catastrophe bond market


  • Financial System of the Future Conference (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta & Georgia State University): The Impact of Skin in the Game on Bank Behavior in the Securitization Market
  • 7th Bordeaux Workshop “Banking Regulation, Risk and Governance” of the Association Française de Science Economique (AFSE): The Impact of Skin in the Game on Bank Behavior in the Securitization Market
  • 26th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF): The Impact of Skin in the Game on Bank Behavior in the Securitization Market und Seasonality in Catastrophe Bonds
  • 46th Annual Seminar of the European Group of Risk & Insurance Economists (EGRIE), 2019: Seasonality in Catastrophe Bonds
  • Annual Meeting of the Western Risk and Insurance Association (WRIA (WRIA), 2019: Seasonality in Catastrophe Bonds
  • Annual Congress of the German Insurance Science Association (DVfVW), 2019: Seasonality in Catastrophe Bonds












  • 48th Annual Meeting of the Southern Finance Association (SFA), 2008: Adjusting Multi-Factor Models for Basel II-consistent Economic Capital.
  • OR 2008: International Conference on Operations Research, 2008: Simulation-based Analysis of Portfolio Building Strategies.
  • 17th Annual Meeting of the European Financial Management Association (EFMA), 2008: Adjusting Multi-Factor Models for Basel II-consistent Economic Capital.
  • 13. Münsteraner Banken-Workshop, 2008: Adjusting Multi-Factor Models for Basel II-consistent Economic Capital.
  • 31st Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association (EAA), 2008: Performance Figures for Investment Controlling in Venture Capital Companies: Stochastic Modelling and Simulation.
  • 11th Conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research (SGF), 2008: Adjusting Multi-Factor Models for Basel II-consistent Economic Capital.


  • 4. Controllertagung in Vallendar, 2007: Anreizsysteme als Controllinginstrument in Venture-Capital-Gesellschaften, Performancekennzahlen als Controllinginstrument in Venture-Capital-Gesellschaften.


  • OR 2006: International Conference on Operations Research, 2006: Optimizing Credit Risk Mitigation Effects of Collaterals under Basel II.
  • 9th Conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research (SGF), 2006: Auditing Basel II Capital Rules: When are Standardised Portfolios Infinitely Fine Grained?
  • 30th Annual Conference of the German Classification Society (GfKl), 2006: Auditing Basel II Capital Rules: When are Standardised Portfolios Infinitely Fine Grained?