Herzlich Willkommen am Lehrstuhl für Finance
Lehrstuhl für Finance
Prof. Dr. Martin Hibbeln
Mercator School of Management
Universität Duisburg-Essen (Campus Duisburg)
Lotharstraße 65, Gebäude LH, Raum 002
47057 Duisburg
Telefon +49 203 37-91784
E-Mail finance (at)
Selected Publications (VHB: A & A+)
Simple is Simply not Enough – Features versus Labels of Complex Financial Securities, | |
The Impact of Risk Retention on Moral Hazard in the Securitization Market, | |
Trading and Liquidity in the Catastrophe Bond Market, M. Herrmann and M. Hibbeln, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. 90, 2023, pp. 283–328. | |
The Path of the Righteous: Using Trace Data to Understand Fraud Decisions in Real Time, M. Hibbeln, J. Jenkins, C. Schneider, J. Valacich and M. Weinmann, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 46, 2022, pp. 2317–2336. | |
Seasonality in Catastrophe Bonds and Market-Implied Catastrophe Arrival Frequencies, M. Herrmann and M. Hibbeln, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. 88, 2021, pp. 785–818. | |
Informational Synergies in Consumer Credit , M. Hibbeln, L. Norden, P. Usselmann and M. Gürtler, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Vol. 44, 2020, Article 100831. | |
Exposure at Default Modeling - A Theoretical and Empirical Assessment of Estimation Approaches and Parameter Choice, M. Gürtler, M. Hibbeln and P. Usselmann, Journal of Banking & Finance, Vol. 91, 2018, pp. 176–188. | |
Insured Loss Inflation - How Natural Catastrophes Affect Reconstruction Costs, D. Döhrmann, M. Gürtler and M. Hibbeln, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. 84, 2017, pp. 851–879. | |
How is your user feeling? Inferring Emotion through Human-Computer Interaction Devices, M. Hibbeln, J. Jenkins, C. Schneider, J. Valacich and M. Weinmann, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 41, 2017, pp. 1–21. | |
The Impact of the Financial Crisis and Natural Catastrophes on CAT Bonds, M. Gürtler, M. Hibbeln and C. Winkelvos, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. 83, 2016, pp. 579–612. | |
Improvements in Loss Given Default Forecasts for Bank Loans, |
- Seminar Finance SS 202516.12.24
- Stellenausschreibung: Postdoc (m/w/d) am Lehrstuhl für Finance gesucht22.02.23
- Seminar Finance SS 202322.12.22
- Informationen zur Lehrveranstaltung "Investition und Finanzierung" im WS 2022/2306.10.22
- Quantitatives Risikomanagement - Gastvortrag von Herrn Gerwin Scharmann am
MSM Aktuelles:
- Bewerbungen für Auslandssemester im WiSe 25/26 und SoSe 2612.01.25
- Selbstbewerbung um ein Stipendium der Studienstiftung08.01.25
- PwC zu Gast an der MSM06.01.25
- Studentische / wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (m/w/d) gesucht06.01.25
- Lehrstuhl für Service Operations sucht Verstärkung (Bewerbungsfrist: 21. Januar 2025)18.12.24